Women of LWMLC serve others

Despite the pandemic, women of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada have managed to find many ways to serve others. Leading up to the triennial national convention they have been encouraged to share pictures of what Christ has accomplished through them.

SHERWOOD PARK, Alta. – Our society ladies choose to provide ziplock bags of essential items for the Hope Mission shelter in downtown Edmonton as their mission service. We collected 26 plump, filled bags from our society ladies with contributions from the congregation as well. It was quite an overwhelming experience the day I delivered our items. Many people gathered around the building, some were sleeping on the street, some sitting in lawn chairs, others just loitering in the area. There were tents set up across the street, painting a picture of people in need of  various kind. We are thankful this facility is available for those who need shelter and food. We trust God is working in and through the circumstances and lives of these needy people in our community and that our donation will help in caring for them. 

Cheryl Williams