30th Anniversary

Some of you were present in Edmonton, Alta., at our Founding Convention, June 20, 1993. What an awesome event. On that date we were declared Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada, Inc.! That was 30 years ago. Yes, time flies, but our Lord God Almighty has worked in and through us to fulfill our motto “Called to Serve” (Deuteronomy 10:12).
Many of us plan celebrations for significant events in our lives. In a similar way, the board of directors encourage you to find ways to celebrate this significant LWMLC Inc. event and, just as many of us broaden some of our celebrations beyond the specific date, we encourage you to make this a year of celebration.
You will see suggestions coming to you over the next while, but one we are launching now invites you to do a 30/30/30. Spend 30 minutes a day on 30 promises of God (one per day) over 30 days. A list of some of God’s promises to help you focus on His Word will be available via our website in the next few days. We continue to grow in our faith and in sharing our Saviour when we faithfully spend time with Him in His Word and in prayer. Let’s make this celebration a time to begin a new life-changing habit.


LWMLC Inc, 30th Anniversary 30-30-30 Booklet

LWMLC Inc. 30th Anniversary Devotion

Download “Celebrate! Like There Is a Tomorrow” especially prepared by the Christian Growth Committee, and check out some of the other resources that have been prepared specially for the 30th anniversary:

The celebrate with Bells C-08-07 (request from dod@lutheranwomen.ca) on is a cute skit that maybe gives the idea of Christmas but with a little adjustment (or maybe it suits you just the way it is) it can get the celebration vibe going at your event.

If you are looking for an activity The Every Child Deserve a Birthday Cake C-15-57 (request from dod@lutheranwomen.ca) is an ingathering you could consider. You can search out a local agency who work with children (especially immigrant children who in their changed lives might have their birthdays forgotten along the way) or other local charity who would be able to distribute the kits.


Check out a fun Happy 30th Birthday song to LWMLC Inc., here.


What were you doing on June 20th, thirty years ago? Many members of LWMLC Inc. from across this country joined in Edmonton to sign the declaration and LWMLC Inc. was formed. Since then, we have joined together in conventions, produced materials, and supported mission grants in this country and around the world. So, celebrate our LWMLC Inc. as you wish. Wear LWMLC Inc. swag/gather with your society sisters for a party/watch https://youtu.be/4L_cNpSgv80 and view the first 25 years of LWMLC Inc. However you plan to celebrate on this day remember we have been blessed to be “Called to Serve.”
From your ALLIES in Christ, the Christian Growth Committee of LWMLC Inc.