Mites, What are They?
Members and friends of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada, Inc. collect most of their funds in small coin boxes called “mite boxes.” The money collected this way is used to provide grants to projects that others do.
Based on the Biblical story of the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1-4) in the King James Version (more recent versions refer to a small coin worth less than a penny) the mite box is intended for regular contribution of “mites” – offerings above and beyond, and not in competition to, the support given to the congregation and the church body.
The mite box is more than just a small cardboard box! It is a reminder:
• to share blessings from God,
• to pray for mission projects,
• to thank the Lord for mission opportunities.
Mite box contributions amount to thousands of dollars. They allow the contributors, through the national body of LWML-Canada Inc., to provide mission grants which assist others in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to implement the LWMLC Inc. program. “What can my little mite do”
Mite Box Devotion: “The Happy and the Lonely Mite”. A lighthearted explanation of what a mite is with a 25th Anniversary connection. Click the above link to read or download and save for your use.
Order your Mite Envelopes from the Resource Centre. You can also have them sent to you for the cost of shipping. The Mite Envelopes are available in bundles of 12 or larger bundles of 50.
To contact the Resource Centre: e-mail
These mite box wrap-around covers will fit a small Pringles container or a Tetley tea cannister. These alternatives to a regular mite box will fit into a cup holder in your car. Consider other places you might use it. Because this version takes up a coffee spot in your vehicle which isn’t helpful when you stop at Tim’s (Tim Hortons), have you any ideas about how else you might have a “mite box” in your car to collect the change after your purchase? Let us know at
New Mite Box Label, Envelope design click here: Mite Box label, envelope design, 2 per page
Or use the original or other mission labels as below:
Download (2 per page): White Mite Box Cover
Download (2 per page): Blue Mite Box Cover
Download (2 per page): Traveling Mission Mite Box Cover
These prayers may be printed on business card blanks and shared with others (5 copies of each prayer). Print on both sides of the page.