Supporting Mission Grants for 2024 – 2027
A video describing the mission projects the grants for 2024-2027 will support can be found here. (video is 16 minutes in length).
Mission Grant Prayer Booklet 2024-2027
Individual Grant Prayers will be highlighted and linked below.
MISSION GRANTS for 2024-2027
Mission grant goals for 2024-2027 poster to download and share.
$24,000 Street Reach Ministry, Regina, Sask. ~ provides funds for Rev. D.J. Kim’s salary and continuing education as he carries out an outreach ministry, particularly to troubled youth and young adults living on the street or associated with gangs and criminal activity
$7,500 Technology Upgrade, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Ont. ~ provides an upgrade to video-conferencing equipment, allowing for more shared classes and other interaction with Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton
$10,000 Lutheran Hospital Ministries, South Alberta ~ helps provide clinical education of pastoral care in an institutional setting, training for volunteers and other assistance to their ministry
$30,000 Deaconesses, Cambodia Lutheran Church ~ provides a small stipend, travel costs for continuing education and printed materials to the commissioned deaconesses in Cambodia.
$7,500 National Youth Gathering, ~ offers community and spiritual growth to youth and youth leaders in Lutheran Church–Canada
$1,000 Christian Material, Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Regina ~ provides funds for Bibles and catechisms and other Christian material to be given away at an annual clothing give-away in a low- to mid-socioeconomic area around the church
$15,000 Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots (L.A.M.P)~ assists in reaching a mission goal of reaching 55 indigenous communities in Northern Canada by 2055 (55 x 55 Anniversary Project).
$6,000 Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Central Region ~ helps offset the costs associated with building a ministry by and to young adults in the region
$30,000 Ministry and Outreach, Nicaragua ~ assists with travel and ministry expenses of pastors and deaconesses in our daughter synod in Nicaragua
$3,735 French Liturgy Foundations~ funds the adaptation and translation of liturgy education materials into French for use in Canada and around the world
$21,000 Ethiopian Ministry and Outreach~ provides for travel and ministry expenses for ministry to Ethiopian communities within Canada and in Israel
$9,475 First Lutheran Academy, Windsor ~ adds technological support for the benefit of students and sharing of the Word of Christ
$4,000 Joint Faculty Retreat, Concordia Lutheran Seminary and Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary ~ assists with the holding of a joint faculty retreat to continue the development of a harmonized curriculum and unified approach to seminary education
$3,880 Bus Ministry, Christ Our King Lutheran Church, Missauga ~ help continue and grow an outreach ministry through posting the gospel message on city buses and having a dedicated website for those wanting to know more
$27,910 Youth Director, Richmond/Vancouver ~ support for a youth worker to coordinate youth programs and to assist with outreach to the immigrant community
$50,000 Mission Opportunity Fund ~ support for mission needs that arise between conventions