Districts & Structure

LWML–Canada Inc. has four districts, each divided into regions called zones

Links to current maps of our districts and societies:

LWMLC Inc.-5×7-final-20230826.pdf

LWMLC Inc.-8×10-final-20230826.pdf

LWMLC Inc.-16×10-final-20230826.pdf

(click on each district name to access each district’s news)

Alberta–British Columbia District LWMLC Inc.

1 Vancouver Island Zone

2 Vancouver Zone

3 Fraser Valley Zone

4 Cariboo Zone

5 Okanagan Zone

6 Peace River Zone

7 Evergreen Zone

8 Concordia Zone

9 Parkland Zone

10 South Alberta Zone

Central District LWMLC Inc.

11  Nor’Western Zone

12 Northland Zone

13 Assiniboine Zone

14 Southwest Zone

15 Capital Zone

16 Parkland Zone

17 Wheatland Zone

18 Winnitoba Zone

19 Patricia Zone

20 Thunder Bay Zone

Laurentian District LWMLC Inc.

21 Rockhaven Zone

22 Valley Zone

23 Capital Zone

Ontario District LWMLC Inc.

24 Hanover Zone

25 Toronto Zone

26 Mitchell Zone

27 Waterloo Zone

28 London Zone

29 Windsor Zone

30 Niagara Zone

Download a list of active LWMLC Inc. Societies 2024 (PDF) shown by district and zone.

Download and print the information below: What an Active Society Is and Does for printing; double-sided, tri-fold brochure.

What an Active Society Is and Does

Does your society look different than it once did?
Each society is unique and something that works in one place may have to be adapted or altered to work in another. In the same way, what once worked in your society may no longer do so. Many societies find aging is a factor. Rather than being discouraged we can use it as a reason for shifting gears, being creative, trying something new—choosing activities and ways of doing them that fits the women of the society. God will give us what we need. If we keep our focus on growing in faith and serving our Lord, God will bless our efforts, large or small.

What an active society of LWMLC Inc. is…
• in the Word – gathering together for devotions, Bible study and activities that help us grow in our faith
• in service – helping others through any number of ways big or small in the congregation, the community, the country and the world
• in support – supporting Lutheran Church–Canada’s mission and ministry in Canada and in the world, as an auxiliary organization
• in partnership – joining with women across our country and linked with women in USA and Australia

What an active society of LWMLC Inc. does…                                             

The bylaws of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada, Inc., do not specifically state what an active society does but do identify four areas for a society to be considered active:
1. Come together for information, support and action.
2. Participate beyond the congregation.
3. Financially support LWMLC Inc.
4. Designate a contact person to receive information from the district and national bodies of the league and to provide feedback as needed.

Come together for information, support and action
• Meet together for Bible study, devotion, prayer and to share information from the district and national bodies.
• Let the activity planned determine when you gather together; it doesn’t always have to be the same day and time each month.
• Support each other by means such as a prayer chain, secret sister exchange or the fellowship in just being together

• Include activities that reach out into the congregation and community (e.g., lap quilts instead of full-size quilts for seniors might be easier).
• Do what works for your group. Perhaps have a speaker and invite the congregation, consider writing notes in Christmas or Easter cards and sending them to shut-ins and others in your congregation needing encouragement.
• Encourage LWMLC Inc. Sunday activities showing others what LWMLC Inc. is and does locally and beyond.

Participate beyond the congregation
• Get together with other societies in your zone for a mini retreat, a potluck lunch or supper, an outreach activity such as making pillowcase dresses or lap quilts. The activity and time depend on how geographically close you are to each other.
• Participation in zone and district events helps keep us from feeling alone as a society.

Financially support LWMLC Inc.
• Gather mites to support LWMLC Inc.’s outreach as an auxiliary of LCC.
• Participate in occasional giving opportunities such as an honor or memorial gift or a thank-offering for a special occasion.
• Support special programs as they may arise.
• Subscribe to Tapestry: regular or large print, audio or digital. It is the league’s main means of communication and is an effective outreach tool when shared outside the group.

Designate a contact person

• Choose one person who will be the contact to receive information from the district and national bodies of LWMLC Inc.
• It is sometimes difficult to find enough women to have a full slate of officers. If so, choose someone who will coordinate activities in your group and someone to record each activity (the latter could change from meeting to meeting). Select someone who will look after finances, keeping it as simple as possible.

Check out our history and information on archiving here.