Women of LWMLC serve others

Despite the pandemic, women of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada have managed to find many ways to serve others. Leading up to the triennial national convention they have been encouraged to share pictures of what Christ has accomplished through them.

LWMLC Grace Society of Calgary, choose the Mustard Seed as the recipient of their Servant Event. The Mustard Seed is a safe and supportive religious organization, a place where individuals experiencing barriers associated with poverty and homelessness can have their physical needs met in the short term and, in the long term, to heal and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so a better life down the road can begin. 

The LWMLC Grace Society and congregation filled 40 water bottles with toothbrush, toothpaste, socks, lip gloss, sanitary wipes, and deodorant.  They also donated 96 bottles of water plus extra items put in the water bottles, for the Centre to utilize as needed.

The prayer shawls, six in total, were made for our society by a member of Grace Lutheran Church, Calgary, in support of the LWMLC convention’s servant event. One prayer shawl was given to a gentleman member of our congregation who has cancer, another will be given to a young girl of our congregation who also is undergoing cancer treatments. The plan is to distribute to our congregational members as the need arises.

Linda Horton