Singing a New Song

Singing a new song!


For this triennium our Member Development Committee is trying out a new song… er, blog!


Each Monday there will be a new blog post to our “Serving in His Strength” blog from one of our LWMLC committees, our district administrators, or our president. Our goal is to share something about what your national LWMLC board is doing to help inspire, encourage, guide and shape LWMLC over the next three years.


Hopefully you will find our posts to be inspirational, informative, educational, and maybe even a little funny. We hope that the blog will be an encouragement to us all as we study His Word together and share Christ and His love with the women in our lives and those around the world. Each of us can share and show God’s love for us through many different waysaccording to our own talents and stations in life.


Our convention theme was “Sing to the Lord a new song!” (Psalm 149:1). As we start our new triennium, let’s think about what new song we want to be singing! How can we inspire women to sing a new song to the Lord? “Sing to the Lord, all the world! Worship the Lord with joy, come before Him with happy songs” (Psalm 100:1-2, Good News Bible – Today’s English Version).


The Member Development Committee extends our sincerest thanks to each and every member of LWMLC. Learning about what our societies and zones are doing in their communities is inspiring. We are thankful to be serving the women of our LCC congregations through the work our committee is doing. Thank you for checking out our new song…er, blog! Be sure to come back next week!


Your sisters in Christ,

Ruth, Amanda, Jazmin & Pam


“Serving in His Strength” is a blog

published by the Member Development Committee of

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada, Inc.