On behalf of myself (Pam Oelke) and Janice Buchner may we remind you of the upcoming convention in London, Ontario. Time is counting down to the to deadlines. June 1 – registration both in person and virtual. June 10 – room registrations. Please email me if you’re looking for a roommate. (Pamoelke@gmail.com).
We look forward to the fellowship, meeting together and enjoying the guest speakers lined up for the weekend as we “Sing to the Lord a new Song.” If you’re hesitant to commit, think again, there is nothing more precious than being together.
Our outreach projects are three of the most needed within everyone’s community.
Cup of Blessings – How many moments have you enjoyed a cuppa with a favourite person, family member, or that special person you share your hopes, challenges, and blessings with? This is what we offer the ladies of “My Sisters’ Place.”
We all have an overabundance of cups in our cupboards. Fill one of them with a tea bag, packaged hot chocolate powder or cup-of-soup, grocery gift cards (London has President’s Choice, Sobey’s, Food Basics, Giant Tiger), Tim Hortons gift cards, or London bus tickets. The cups will be donated to My Sisters’ Place, a drop-in centre for women who are homeless or less fortunate.
Blessings in a Bag – Homeless kits with a twist. Fill large freezer bags with items for the homeless. Needed are rain ponchos, flashlights, socks, granola bars, hard candies, and basic toiletries. These kits will be donated to “Church Out Serving.” Check out their website, www.churchoutserving.org
Living Hope Medvac Ministry – This monetary ingathering will support the outreach ministry of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Mississauga, Ont. The funds will help support First nations families with children who travel great distances from their communities to receive intensive or ongoing medical care.
And…don’t forget…Mission in Motion
Download your mission collection sheets! Collect your funds and we will see you at convention. Join the Friday afternoon Mission Movement session. Trainer Cindy Hamather will be leading some easy movements that can be done either sitting or standing. For societies completing their mission in motion prior to convention, please share it with us by sending it to Doris Osgood at bdosgood@protonmail.com. The funds raised will support the mission of LWMLC.
Any questions about our Missions please let me know. Looking forward to seeing you on July 11- 13, 2024.
Blessings and safe travels; see you in London!