New from LWMLC’s cheerleaders

We can all use a little encouragement and some fresh ideas. The Member Development Committee of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada has just published the first issue of The LWMLC Encourager, with the desire to provide both.

You may have noticed that Staying Connected disappeared. With the online LWML–Canada Update & Link its purpose was no longer needed. But getting word out to you about mission opportunities and enabling you to put them into action, all the while encouraging you as you do so, seemed to be needed…hence The LWMLC Encourager.

You will find the first issue on the LWMLC website, ready for you to download and share. Here’s the link:

Please let the Member Development committee know if you find it helpful. Email them at

In this issue you will find:

  1. A description of what “Member Development” is all about.
  2. Mites in Action – a focus on one of the mission grants with ideas for society sharing amongst their members and with their congregation. The focus this time is development of a new mission site in Ukraine. Given what is happening there, there may be a delay in the ability to use this grant. We will leave the timing in God’s hands.
  3.  Some ideas to help you make your district convention even more user friendly than usual for yourself and those attending, especially those attending their first convention.