About Serving in His Strength Blog

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Usually an individual writes and posts to a blog and readers can only respond by commenting on what has been posted. It will take a little more effort on the part of the women of the LWMLC Member Development Committee but we are determined to make this blog one where you can do more than comment. We want this to be YOUR BLOG.

PURPOSE …to provide opportunity for you and your sisters in Christ to

  1. GIVE THANKS AND PRAISE to God for His blessings to you.

I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14

Every day brings something new, unexpected and challenging. How we view and approach each situation can set the mood of the day. Let God’s Word guide and strengthen the day as you pause and see Him at work in your life.

  1. ENCOURAGE OTHERS as you, in Christ, meet life’s joys and challenges.

Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. Philippians 4:6

We live in a time of uncertainty, fear of the unknown and ever-changing challenges to keeping ourselves, our family and the public safe. How is Christ helping you cope?

And, a call to …


  1. RESPOND – share your comments on what has been posted
  2. FOLLOW – sign up to follow this blog.
  3. SHARE – the blog with others

– your own story of thanks and praise as you encourage one another. To do this, send your story to vpmemberdevelopment@lutheranwomen.ca and watch for it to be posted.

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