Women of LWMLC serve others

In April Prayer Squares were made to deliver to hospital shut ins when restrictions are lifted. Fifteen squares in total were made with nine of the squares being delivered to young families in the congregation. They were delivered at Easter with some chocolate eggs and a note encouraging families to place the square at the seat of a different family member, giving each of your family a chance to lead you family in prayer, praise and thanks to our Lord.

Twenty-four “Blessings in Bottle” were delivered by Annette Borchardt and Carissa Zachar to the Bear Clan in Winnipeg, an Indigenous community service organization reaching out to the homeless in the city. They clean the streets of any sharps and distribute bottle of waters, fruit, granola bars, hygiene kits, etc., to those in need. The Bear Clan and the work they do, is highly respected by the neighbourhood.

Bear Clan