Stage three – where do we go from here?

Called to serve because Christ lives in me! (Galatians 2:20) We have enjoyed many recaps of the convention, and they are still on our LWMLC website. Remember to revisit them.

Canada is reopening ever so cautiously but with great joy and lots of prayer for continued health and healing. Churches that have only been virtual and are inviting members back; committees are meeting live and in person and our ladies in many churches are planning to get back together this fall. Welcome back Ladies!

Max Lucado once said, “Jesus gives us hope because He keeps us company, has a vision and knows the way we should go.” So, as each society moves forward from the convention, trust we are moving in the right direction, make your plans for the  next triennium and enjoy your time together as sisters in Christ.

For many of us the picture will look a little different; societies are different so keep telling yourself change is good. Mark 9:23 tells us, “Anything is possible if a  person believes.” God has big plans for us–believe, because He does.

How many of you have ever said, “If these walls could talk!” I walk around the church in the silence of each room and wonder, will these walls ever hear the laughter of Sunday school children, the giggles of ladies completing mission projects, the joy of social gatherings? I know those days are not far away now and I  pray a prayer of thanksgiving that these walls will soon hear new songs of joy.

So where do we go from here? Forward! Be very hopeful. Someone once said, tomorrow has never happened before! Christ Lives in Me and may our new tomorrow show that. Let us know where did you go? How did your society     move into this new fall? We look forward to hearing from you.

Pam O. Member Development