
Serving God’s People

Mission Service implies sharing the love of our Lord in physical ways.

Romans 10:14-15 says, “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!'” Replace the word “preach” with the word “share” and suddenly it becomes something we CAN do! Our mission field starts here at home. Sharing the message of God’s love with our neighbours is often best received when delivered with an act of love.

The Mission Service of LWMLC Inc. encourages women to reach out to others through a wide variety of activities, such as:

  • visiting shut-ins and the elderly and doing small kindnesses for them
  • providing friendship and caring for the lonely
  • knitting, sewing, and other hands-on activities for those in need
  • collecting and packing a variety of kits for Canadian Lutheran World Relief and others many other creative and useful avenues of service.

Serving also involves being a servant leader, as Jesus led through serving. Under this heading you will find

  • information about serving as a leader
  • forms needed by leaders and others in various areas of service
  • links to some of the ways LWML–Canada Inc. provides for Lutheran women to interact online
  • resources to help societies encourage their congregations to celebrate God’s blessings through the league on LWML–Canada Inc. Sunday
  • an opportunity to serve other women through gifts to the league

Gifts of Love/ Ingatherings

Many local groups of LWML–Canada Inc. gather “Gifts of Love” for those in need in their communities. Examples include but are not limited to

  • Food banks
  • Women’s shelters
  • Groups helping the homeless

Zones often add such ingatherings to their rallies/renewals.

Nationally, “Gifts of Love” are gathered at each triennial convention.

Serving Locally and Beyond