Download on Demand Resources

Download on Demand (DOD) Resources (FREE RESOURCES)

Download on Demand Resource Catalogue December 2024:  includes hundreds of resources for a wide variety of programs including devotions, Bible studies, retreats, litanies, and many more useful items. Find ordering information here: Download on Demand Ordering Information.

Check out some: Visuals of some Favorite Download on Demand Items

Check out some of the materials available:

(NEW) “First Responders” (Bible Study) This study looks at who “First Responders” are by definition, identity by job titles (Police officers, Paramedics, Correction officers, Firefighters, Lifeguards, Flight Attendants, ER doctors and nurses) and how they cope and struggle with the difficult job they have in handling emergency situations. Then the study shifts the focus to point out that as Christians you are “First Responders” all the time. God has trained you though His Word to be a light to the world around you. The words you say are like seeds and you do not know when or where or in what capacity, what you say affects people now or in the future. Scripture passages are included within the study plus there is a handout for participants.

6 pages C-24-03

(NEW) Dwell Within My Heart (Devotion) The key verse in this devotion is Rev.3: 20 (NIV) “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with Me.” Jesus extends the invitation and all we need to do is follow his words.

1 page C-24-04

(NEW) Home is Where Your Heart is (Devotion) This devotion reflects on the thought that if our heart is full of our love for Jesus, our home and our final resting place will be with Jesus. In John 14:23, we have His promise.

1 page C-24-05

(NEW) Missing Key Is Found, The (Devotion) Being a baptized Christian and having grown up in the faith does not stop the devil from posing threats to us by trying change us from being God centered to me centered. The missing key is revealed in this excellent devotion.

1 page C-24-06

(NEW) Ahhh…Salvation (Devotion) A simple, yet profound devotion on Law and Gospel, Ahhh, salvation is ours! To God be the Glory Amen.

1 page C-24-07

(NEW) Time to plant, A (Devotion) Our gardens have a specific time to plant in Spring, but when God asks us to plant the seeds of His Word, sharing His message, there is no specific time mentioned. He just says do it as if we were planting seeds and He will do the rest to produce an abundant harvest of believers.

1 page C-24-08

(NEW) Blessed by God (Devotion) We are blessed by God through His Word, through His Holy Sacraments, through His Holy Absolution and “through the mutual conversation and consolation of the saints”. It is this latter blessing that is the focus of this devotion.

1 page C-24-09

(NEW) God’s Rejoicing and Loud Singing (Devotion) Based on Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is in your midst, a Mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you with His love; He will exalt over you with loud singing.” A time to reflect, as to why God would speak these words to us knowing we are a despicable lot with our greed, discrimination and all-around selfishness.”

1 page C-24-10

(NEW) With Jesus in the Boat (Devotion)As Christians we are familiar with the Bible stories and songs where Jesus is in the boat and how with His word, He calms the storm and the fears of those with Him. “Having God in your boat doesn’t mean you’ll not face storms. It does mean that no storms can sink your boat. By walking in faith, you’ll never walk alone” A hope to share with others in their storms.

1 page C-24-11

(NEW) Winning the Race (Devotion) What is involved in winning the race in a competition and in the Christian life? The goals and dedication are the same As Christians we look to the words of St Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

1 page C-24-12

(NEW) Thanks be to God (Thanksgiving Devotion) Besides being thankful for our daily blessings of all that sustains us in this earthly life we are reminded of Paul’s words to the Christian church in Corinth. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

1 page C-24-13

(NEW) Sustained and Rescued (Devotion) “The Bible has lots of wisdom about why we should not worry as we go through life.” A comforting devotion that shares Scriptures passages how God does just that, we have His promise, “I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” (Isaiah 46: 4b NIV).

1 page C-24-14

(NEW) Endings and Beginnings (Devotion) December, end of the year devotion as we look at what has transpired through the year that is now coming to an end. We reflect on our personal experiences and special moments regardless of joy or sadness. God’s Word offers many comforting verses to assure us, He has indeed been there with us the whole time. Thanks be to God.

1 page C-24-15E

(NOUVEAU) Fins et Débuts (Dévotion)

1 page C-24-15F

(NEW) Make Melody to the Lord

1 page C-24-16

Additions: (Page 3) Time Limited Canada Webinars/You Tubes

2024 Compiled Monthly Devotions

2024-2027 Mites in Action Videos and Webinars

Street Reach, Rev. D. J. Kim 

– March 11, 2023

Ongoing Mission Project Ethiopian Ministry and outreach with Rev. Asefa Aredo – November 30, 2024.

Mites in Action Videos and Webinars of previously supported Mission grants.

Translation of English Sunday School Materials into French 

September 24. 2022

Development of New Mission Site in Lviv, Ukraine

March 26, 2022