Hello from Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC! As the Laurentian Vice-President for District Administration living in a bedroom community of Montreal, I have access to speaking frequently in French and English. Since I go to church in French in Montreal and also work with our pastoral counsellor originally from Haiti, I have the opportunity of speaking with people from Haiti, Burundi, Cameroun, Quebec, Madagascar, France, Pakistan, and India and other countries I’m not aware of.
This rich connection with people from so many cultures along with the use of the internet permits me and LWMLC Inc. the amazing blessing of reaching women with the Gospel of Jesus in ways we didn’t think of before COVID 19.
You may not speak in more than one language, but I pray that you do communicate in the gift of Christ’s language of faith, hope and love with the people you meet. May your speech reflect the Gospel of light that gives hope and life eternal!
In Christ,
Rena Detlefsen,
VPDA LWMLC Inc. Laurentian,
Sing to the Lord a new song! (Psalm 149:1)
“Serving in His Strength” is a blog
published by the Member Development Committee of
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada, Inc.