Winter Blahs?

Winter Blahs?
Are you feeling chilled – both physically and somewhat emotionally – now that winter has set
If so, just head over to your nearest Greenhouse/ Conservatory, found in most of the larger
cities across Canada. Once there, you just might enjoy not only the physical warmth and smells
of the Garden of Eden, but also bask in the quiet, serene atmosphere which Adam and Eve
must have lived in before the Fall.
Bring along your Bible, sit on one of the benches there, and soak in the presence of God and
His handiwork as you read Genesis, chapters 2 and 3. Pray that God the Father will keep you
strong in your faith and resistant to the wiles of Satan. Then return home in peace!

“Serving in His Strength” is a blog
published by the Member Development Committee of
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada, Inc.

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