

The magazine, Tapestry, for women of Lutheran Church-Canada and their friends is published quarterly by Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada, Inc. (LWMLC Inc.). Tapestry has been and continues to be available in regular and large print and as an audio CD or MP3 file. You may also subscribe to a digital copy received by email. Tapestry is the only paid publication of LWMLC Inc.

We are conducting a survey on the future of Tapestry. You can access the survey online Online Survey Form  or download a printable link here


In addition to Tapestry and Serving in His Strength blog, the LWML-Canada Inc. Update, ALLI, and The LWMLC Inc. Encourager are sent out by email with links to this website.

Serving in His Strength blog

Please check out our blog with entries written by our members, for our members. If you would like to contribute, please send your story to


To access the abbreviated versions of the LWMLC Inc. Update for printing, click here

To receive the LWML-Canada Inc. Update, subscribe here:


* indicates required


District Newsletters

ABC District Flashlight

Central District Salt & Light

Laurentian District Newsletter

Ontario District League Tidings

To access copies of ALLI click here
