Women of LWMLC serve others

Despite the pandemic, women of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada have managed to find many ways to serve others. Leading up to the triennial national convention they have been encouraged to share pictures of what Christ has accomplished through them.

Foothills LWMLC society, Calgary, is so thankful to our congregation for embracing our service projects, especially during these pandemic times.

  • Comfort dolls were completed and added to 46 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.
  • Christmas gift bags were given to the 30 senior residents of Foothills Manor. Each gift bag included: a Christmas ornament, a handknit neck warmer and mask ear saver, an Advent devotional booklet, a large print copy of Portals of Prayer, a candy cane and chocolates.
  • St. Patrick’s packages for the 30 senior residents of Foothills Manor were prepared. Each resident received a handknit dishcloth and Irish messages and candies.
  • Homemade Valentine cards with messages of Christian love were delivered to 27 households.
  • Pray Shawl Ministry – This is a new initiative. The picture is of Geraldine Chimirri-Russell modelling the shawl she handknit with prayer for our associate pastor’s wife as they awaited the birth of their twins.
  • Used eyeglasses are sent around the world through Optiks International.
  • Used postage stamps are sent to the Canadian Bible Society where they are sold by weight to stamp collectors with proceeds going toward Bibles for inmates in Canadian prisons.

Cheryl Lemke