The sun will come out – tomorrow!

In a short amount of time we have lived through more than our parents, our great grandparents and anything our nightmares could have dreamed up for us. In our time of self-isolation, we have gone through so many emotions – fear, sadness, loneliness, heartache, and wondering when is it going to stop? As a Christian, I believed I was safe, cocooned in His love and protection. But reality was always around the corner, newscasts told the numbers, governments told the rules, family get-togethers became a distant memory. How I missed the laughter.

Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! Joshua 1:9

I recently read an article about “Nurturing Resilience” by Michael Ungar PhD, that put so much into perspective when I spoke to my friends and church family. It was like a light bulb went on.

In our conversation I asked them how they are doing; I went on to ask about their coping strategies for being alone, as many were advanced in age. We talked about their personal habits and were these making them stronger or weaker in their mental health. This led to asking about their social connections and who were they hearing from. And we wrapped our conversation up with talking about things to do to remain optimistic for the future. What a variety of stories I heard; had this situation not happened I would have missed getting to KNOW people I had already called friends and family.

The strength our Lord had given us is as Joshua tells us. So many I spoke with told stories of gratitude for what they had and further stories of some unexpected pleasures that came their way despite the pandemic.  So, I invite you to tell us how this pandemic has affected you; what has been the most surprising thing you have discovered during this journey to wellness?

Pam O.  Ontario District, Member Development

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One thought on “The sun will come out – tomorrow!

  1. Difficult times and situations often makes us reach out for support or to help others. In either process we get to know each other better. May this time have us reach out in prayer to our Lord and Saviour.

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