I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14
Each day brings something new, unexpected, and challenging. How we view and approach each situation can set the mood of the day. Let God’s Word guide and strengthen the day as you pause and see Him at work in your life.
This Palm Sunday was not as jubilant as usual as I watched the church service on YouTube. No children walked down the aisle singing and waving palms, only palms in vases on the altar. From my sofa I joined in the hymns of praise, but my heart was saddened as the echo of only my own voice rebounded. I missed hearing the voices of our church family and seeing them in their usual pews.
With the service ended I checked my phone messages. My daughter had sent pictures of our grandchildren doing potato print crafts. Do you remember doing those as a child? Tears came to my eyes as I saw prints of palms on the potatoes. Even though our worship has changed, our daughter found a way to bring the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem alive through an online Bible story and a craft. Lord, wonderful are your works! The Holy Spirit, planted in my daughter’s baptism, has helped her grow and she, in turn, is nurturing that Holy Spirit planted in her children.
Praise to You Lord, my saddened heart rejoiced to see Your Word at work! Hallelujah!!
In these challenging times of limited public gathering, our congregations across Canada have risen to the challenge and continue to feed their flocks in different ways. How has your family continued to nurture the faith and how are you nurturing that faith in your children? We would love to hear your story of faith.
Annette – Manitoba
If you have words of encouragement to share, please send them to vpmemberdevelopment@lutheranwomen.ca and they will be a future blog posting.