New Year Resolutions

 Did you ever wonder where the tradition of making resolutions for the new year started? Apparently, the Babylonians began this tradition 4,000 years ago. They are the first recorded to hold celebrations for the new year which were not in January but March when the crops were planted.

The top resolutions for the new year today usually deal with exercise, healthy eating, or losing weight. It takes 66 days for a habit to become automatic. Eighty percent of New Year resolutions fail by the second week of February. I have certainly been in that 80% often. I do not want to get caught in the trap of making another resolution. Who likes to fail? None of us do but I do have goals; goals to strengthen my faith journey and to encourage others in my faith family.

These Googled resolutions for 2021 had many suggestions that would grow my Christian walk:

  1. Snail mail – Receiving mail from the post office still brings joy and excitement. Write a note to family, friends or to some shut-ins. Send notes of encouragement to essential workers, e.g., healthcare workers, gas station attendants, hairdressers, store clerks.
  2. Try something new – Learn a new craft, sewing, crocheting, or knitting. Use your new skill to benefit others, e.g., masks, ear savers, prayer shawls, hats and mitts for the homeless. Take a cooking class and make crockpot meals for low-income families or a family going through a rough patch.
  3. Theme verses – Memorize Bible verses, join a Bible study group. Our Christian Growth Committee holds a Beverage and Bible Study online. The Member Development Committee has a weekly planner for sale that focuses on a Bible verse each week. Get involved with your church Bible study or invite a friend for coffee and a short Bible devotion.
  4. Fast from spending – Curb that extra spending and support a charity. Instead of a drive thru coffee, manicure/ pedicure or a new purse/shoes set the money aside for a charity. LWMLC has some wonderful mission projects, support Canadian Lutheran World Relief or a Food Bank.
  5. Declutter – We all have those items or clothes we no longer use or need. Donate to a homeless shelter or women shelter.
  6. Journal a line a day – Start a gratitude journal and thank the Lord for all the blessings we receive daily.

Though we may fail at our New Year resolutions God still loves us. We sin daily but God still loves and forgives us. What is important is that God has kept His resolution – the promise that He sent His only Son to earth as a little Baby to be our Saviour, a Saviour who went to the cross for our shortcomings so we may have eternal life with Him in Heaven. That is a resolution that will never fail.

Annette, Manitoba

3 thoughts on “New Year Resolutions

  1. I love these ideas – I am going to add these to my goals for 2021. Thanks fir your inspiration.

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