Introducing The New Member Development Committee

Annette Borchardt, VP Member Development

Hi ladies, I am so excited to introduce the cheerleaders of Member Development. Since our district conventions we have new members and a returning member. You will be meeting them in our blog SERVING IN HIS STRENGTH and this newsletter THE LWMLC ENCOURGAGER. I invite you to seek out your District Member Development leader, engage with her, share what you are doing in your society, zone, and district, and what servant events are you working on.
Any correspondence I have concerning LWMLC, I sign off with KEEPING UP THE FAITH. My prayer is that the Lord will lead me to serve my Christian sisters. Our committee is here to encourage and challenge your walk in faith.

Annette B., VP Member Development, LWMLC

I grew up on a small farm in Saskatchewan where activities revolved around the Lutheran country church we attended. I married into a legacy of Lutheran pastors which my husband followed as a second career. My mother-in-law invited me to LWMLC, and I have been involved ever since. My grandmother, and mother too, were supporters of LWMLC and encouragers to me.
I cook full-time in a Personal Care Home for forty residents. Any spare time involves my three grandchildren, church, and LWMLC. I enjoy sewing and crafting of any sort.