On September 30,2023, the St. John’s LWMLC society in Vernon, B.C., hosted thirty-three women at our Okanagan Zone Fall Ladies Day event.
Our theme for the day, “God Promises us Strength,” came from 2 Corinthians 12:9-10: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness…for when I am weak, then I am strong.” We began the day with each guest turning in a Bible verse containing the word strength or strong at the registration desk. Coffee, muffins and our morning devotion, followed by the LWMLC pledge and greetings from Sherley Hearty (VP ABC-District Administration) began the day.
Sherley then distributed puzzle packs and explained that everyone was to colour their individual puzzle piece and turn it in at the end of the day. This is a multi-zone project. With the pieces collected, Sherley will make a huge combined “picture,” signifying that each of us is an important, unique piece of God’s big puzzle.
Our local missions offering of non-perishable food items went to the Salvation Army’s Vernon Food Bank…over ten full grocery bags as well as some monetary donations. Our LWMLC in-gathering celebrating 30 years of blessings was designated to Martin and Joan Weber’s, Cameroon ministry for Lutheran Bible Translators. Thanks be to God, we collected $477.
A “bag lady” skit presented by two Vernon members provided some humour. Then each society in attendance gave a brief presentation describing their history and mission projects through the years. This was interesting!
Our guest speaker (former Vernon member, Carol Rath) spoke to us about “God’s Extravagant Love” and how, even though we may be “in the waiting room” many years awaiting answers to our prayers, God does indeed answer them. The topic resonated with every lady in attendance and there wasn’t a dry eye in the crowd.
Homemade (Okanagan grown) apple crisp and ice cream followed a delicious five-variety soup buffet. In celebration of LWMLC’s 30th anniversary we had a tasty, engraved bakery cake to enjoy. During the lunch hour copies of the 33 Bible verses collected at the start of day were given to each guest to take home as a personal encouragement.
Our afternoon started with singing, followed by a group participation Bible study led by Pauline Huth, centred on three strong biblical women…Ruth, Naomi and Mary, mother of Jesus. A short business meeting followed, and we ended the day with a closing devotion, a farewell blessing and the lovely acapella singing of the beloved Common Doxology.
Debbie Breitkreutz