Today I received a package with a gift I purchased. The purchase was made from a small store. With my purchase the store had also given me an individual tea bag and a note that said, “Enjoy a cup of tea on us.” This simple gift with my purchase likely didn’t cost the store very much but the gift went a long way in providing me with happy thoughts that they appreciated me, and I was important to them. This small gift made me feel closer to the person who packaged it, even though I have never met them personally.
It made me think of the small gifts God gives us through others when we receive a smile, a hug, a wave, a free coffee or meal. I am sure you can think of other small gestures you have received from someone who you perhaps didn’t know. These small gifts give us a feeling of being important to someone and we are left with happy thoughts and our day is brighter. It’s like sunshine to our soul.
When we receive these gifts, do we say thank you to the person giving the gift and ultimately to God for sending and encouraging that person to give those gifts? If you haven’t said thank you yet, you can still thank God…He hears you anytime you talk to Him.
Maybe you can be the person God uses to provide these gifts to others; “…remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:35). Let God’s Son shine through you to others.
Penny, British Columbia