Early Days of a Pandemic

We were preparing to meet once again at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Southey, Sask., when our lives were put on hold with a deadly virus (COVID-19. The world was brought down to its knees as businesses, borders, hospitals, care homes, churches, political sessions and many other facilities were closed. We were ordered to isolate and stay home. Many lives were taken out of this world. Many a time it was said we need a war to open the world’s eyes, but something of this calibre is stronger than a war. The separation was hardest on the elderly and loved ones ill in care homes and hospitals. My heart-felt sympathy goes out to those who could not be at their loved one’s bedside. Our medical staff, governments, each one of us, have felt challenged.

Thank you to our pastors who have brought God’s Word out into the world with the help of technology. I pray that those who have never heard God’s Word may do so over these systems instead of using it for our own pleasures. We are not sure how long these conditions will be in place, but we continue to pray and believe in our Lord, helping each other when we can, and giving and sending our donations to keep God’s Word through our pastors’ work coming to us.

In our magazine, “Tapestry,” we have been given God’s Word and have been blessed to have been nurtured for oneness and nurtured for His purpose—to go and share His Word even though our lifestyles are different. With this pandemic, people have been forced to think more creatively, sharing their talents by working together. Also, people are taking their life’s work and making it a helping tool for the less fortunate. For example, making a child’s face smile with a drive-by as a birthday gift, or a drive-by a nursing home window for the lonely older person or visiting by their window. Some sing from their balconies or sidewalks, with people joining in on the streets.

Still there is tension and unrest in countries and communities. We must follow protocols, even as we gather for worship services, follow physical distancing rules and wear masks to sing, leaving feeling cold and separated. The only thing to hold onto is the warmth of the Word from the pulpit and our Lord’s promises spoken by our pastors. In our daily living, we avoid each other—in grocery stores, banking, and many places—rarely making eye contact or offering a smile. As each phase is opened, we are hesitant and sceptical of the virus lingering.

God grant us strength, hope and love, and keep us strong in our faith. Psalm 116 (particularly 1-2, 4, 12-13): “I love the Lord, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy. Because He turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live. … Then I called on the name of the Lord: O Lord, save me! …How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.”

Lorraine, Saskatchewan


2 thoughts on “Early Days of a Pandemic

  1. These words bring such comfort and strength as we in Manitoba encounter another wave with higher numbers than at the beginning of the pandemic. I’m reminded though that the Lord is by my side in all circumstances.

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